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  1. 复仇者联盟观后感英文?
  2. 绿皮书观后感英文?


I recently watched the superhero movie "Bad Guys Alliance". 

It is a story about three evil geniuses gathering together to fight against an old enemy. 


At first, they seemed to be world enemies, but after a few twists and turns in the plot, they eventually helped the world in a crisis. The movie is full of exciting and thrilling action scenes. Through the movie, I can see that justice does not depend on large numbers or backgrounds, but on the true spirit of Three Musketeers and team spirit. The theme of the movie is also very enlightening. 

No matter how bad people are, they can choose to be good and help others in difficult times. I h***e gained a lot from this movie, and I highly recommend it to others.





The Green Book is a movie that tells the story of a family's journey through a divided society.

 It is a powerful movie that highlights the struggles and joys of a family who must n***igate the different cultural and political landscape of their homeland. It has been praised for its strong performances, the story it tells, and the way it captures the beauty of the Mediterranean.


 It is a story of resilience and hope in the face of oppression and despair. It is a movie that speaks to the power of human connection and the importance of family. It is a story that emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting each other’s differences, and the idea that we all can make a difference in the world.

 It is a movie that le***es you feeling inspired and hopeful, and it is a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

